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  • Tableau, København Store Kongensgade 50 København, 1264 Denmark (map)
David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

Pressemeddelelse, januar 2019

Toner er det pigment, en laserprinter eller kopimaskine bruger, når den printer.

Tonere består af et ydre hylster eller en kassette, der passer sammen med printeren, et kammer til opbevaring af selve tonerpulveret (oftest en af fire farver: cyan, magenta, gul og sort) og en rulle, der via elektriske ladninger binder tonerpulveret til papiret. Ved at sammenblande de fire farver kan et bredt spektrum af andre farver frembringes. Installationen “Toner” af David Stjernholm består af to dele. En del, hvor der tilføres farve og en anden del, hvor den fratages.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

Den første del består af en serie vaser, som er lavet af brugte tonerkassetter, hvori der er placeret blomster. 
I løbet af udstillingen vil blomsterne langsomt blive indfarvet svarende til farven i kassetterne. Den anden del er interaktiv og inviterer gæsterne til at lave deres egne “blomstertryk”. I Tableaus lokaler er opstillet en Xerox kopimaskine, hvori man kan lægge blomster under låget og lave en unik sort/hvid-kopi.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

Tableau er udover at være en blomsterbutik et nyt design-, kunst- og blomsterstudie i København. Studiet skaber nye og innovative objekter og vaser til blomster og planter.

Åbning: Torsdag d. 3. januar, kl. 16-20 | Facebook event
Udstillingsperiode: 3. januar - 31. januar 2019.
Åbningstider: Man-fre: kl. 10-18, lør: kl. 10-15.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.


Press Release, January 2019

Toner is the pigment laser printers or copiers use when they print.

Toners consist of an outer casing or cartridge that fits with the printer, a chamber for storing the toner powder (usually one of four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow and black) and a roll that connects the toner powder to the paper through electrical charges. By blending the four colors, a wide range of colors can be produced. The installation “Toner” by David Stjernholm consists of two parts. One where color is added and another part where it is subtracted.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

The first part consists of a series of vases, which are made of used toner cartridges in which flowers are placed. During the exhibition, the flowers will slowly dye according to the color of the cartridge in which they are placed. The second part is interactive and invites guests to make their own “flower print”. In Tableau’s space a Xerox copier is placed in which you can put flowers under the lid and make a unique black and white copy of the chosen flowers.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

Tableau is a new design, art and flower studio placed in Copenhagen. The studio creates new and innovative objects and vases for flowers and plants.

Opening: January 3, 4pm-8pm | Facebook event
Exhibition period: January 3 - January 31, 2019.
Opening hours: Mon-fri: 10am-6pm, sat: 10am-3pm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.

David Stjernholm “Toner“ at Tableau, 2019. Photo: David Stjernholm.