Passing the small cafés, second hand shops and green areas of Raumerstrasse, in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, we come to a small and colorful shop front overgrown with green plants and playful hand lettering. We have found the Supalife Kiosk.

We enter the space that both works as a shop and gallery, and the tactile feel of structured paper, carefully processed posters and the smell of new prints fills the space with an atmosphere of good craft. Around us colorful posters are presented in various ways; from hangers, framed or lying, and when looking just a bit closer on the screenprinted works, which constitutes the majority, it’s clear to see a high level of technical skills.

Right now the Rainbow Collective are filling the space with their band posters and the walls are decorated with special printed wallpaper that stages the posters in an urban context. When Supalife Kiosk was opened by Gabriele Zygor in 2004 the aim was to create a platform to expose screenprint artists and their work, and with a presentation of about 80 different artists, at more than 50 shows, in the 8 years that have passed, the aim has surely been fulfilled. Around half of the artists that Supalife represents is Berlin-based, and the rest are from abroad, but after the kiosk have turned into a non-profit organisation, the possibility and urge for doing more international collaborations have grown. A dream is to host an artist-in-recidence programme in the near future.

Supalife Kiosk | All photos by I DO ART Agency.

Supalife Kiosk | All photos by I DO ART Agency.

In the shop we meet Kathrin who besides from working in Supalife also works as a screen printer at the SDW printhouse in Neukölln and has a small art collective, Seilscheibenpfeiler, together with her brother. Every second month the gallery presents a new exhibition and in the end of july, Kathrin and her brother will set up a show that revolves around the theme “music.”

When you step into Supalife Kiosk you immidiatly feel surrounded by good crafts and it feels like the outgoing approach and interest in collaborations abroad will secure a continous artistic development. Supalife is the place the go to satisfy your need for good print and we will diffenitly make sure to drop in next time we are in Berlin.

Supalife Kiosk | All photos by I DO ART Agency.

Supalife Kiosk | All photos by I DO ART Agency.

Rikke Luna Filipsen (f. 1988) og Matias B. Albæk (f. 1988) er kunstformidlere. De stiftede i 2011, og udover at bidrage med artikler, interviews og essays, fungerer de som mediets redaktører. De driver desuden formidlingsbureauet I DO ART Agency samt forlaget I DO ART Books.