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  • Ta·da, København Fanøgade 36 København, 2100 Denmark (map)
Essentials x

Press release, May 2019

In an attempt to frame our digital age, the handicraft appears. Ta·da’s 9 A3-clip-frames and digital prints have been replaced with 9 original textile works by visual artist Anna Walther.

Anna Walther has invited 9 artistic collaborations, where 9 statements concerning the body and technology have been created. It is based on Ta·da’s site specific format in a laundromat, where Anna Walther examines the transfer of labor from the hand to the machine.

Textile art plays an important role in the tradition of feminist art. Each of the 9 constellations represents a personal view on the relationship between body and machine. The transfer of labor from the hand to the digital merges in the works, where each of the artists’ statements have been machine embroidered on textile. Based on statements of maximum 30 words, 9 very different expressions have emerged, containing both power, politics, reflections and poetry. Anna Walther attempts to reduce the complex reality of our digital age down to a few sentences, which can be read with a single scroll.

The 9 statements in the exhibition can stick in your mind in the same way as everyday mantra or memes, which provide a fleeding moment of insight. Through a relatively analog art praxis, Anna Walther wishes to meet with other artists through a dialogue about how each of them connect with topics on our technological and digitalized lives. Each of the hand-sewn textile works have been created based on the 9 texts, and inspired by the praxis of the invited artists. They should be perceived as a homage to the brains behind their statements and the tangible readable gesture of the hand.

The invited artists are:

  • Frederik Albrecht (Visual artist)

  • Alice Topsøe (Visual artist)

  • Signe Ralkov (Visual artist)

  • Sidsel Meineche Hansen (Visual artist)

  • Mio Nordentoft (Poet)

  • Cisor Studio (Design collective)

  • Varnrable (Musician and producer)

  • Kristoffer Ørum (Visual artist)

  • Diana Ø. Tørsløv Møller & Helene Nymann (Psychologist / Visual artist)

Anna Walther graduated from Funen Art Academy in 2017. She has exhibited in both Denmark and abroad at Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station, DK, Kunsthal ved siden af, DK and Industry Brno, CZ. Her praxis consists of sculpture, textile work, drawing and collaborations. She is a part of the curator duo Walther&Langgaard, where she creates exhibitions outside of the gallery space together with Anne Langgaard, in favor of the representation of female artists.

Opening: Wednesday May 22, 5.30 pm-7.30 pm.
Exhibition period: May 22 - May 27, 2019.
Facebook event.

Earlier Event: May 22