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  • Kunsthal Nord (Turbinegalleriet), Aalborg Kjellerups Torv 5 Aalborg, 9000 Denmark (map)

Pressemeddelelse, maj 2019

Hvad nu hvis Limfjorden var et hav, og Aalborg og Nørresundby var kontinenter?

Paula Kaniewskas udstilling AALSUNDBY-NØRREBORG i Turbinegalleriet tager fortidens spændinger og fordomme om et rivaliserende forhold mellem Aalborg og Nørresundby op for, på forskellig vis, at udfordre termer som eksempelvis ”os og dem” og de mange stereotyper, som udspringer heraf.

Med en legende umiddelbarhed skalaforvrider og genfortolker Paula Kaniewska den geografiske virkelighed omkring Limfjorden. Sammen med den materielle og immaterielle kultur fra de to byer skaber hun herved nye utopiske visioner for de to nye imaginære byer – Aalsundby og Nørreborg. Målet er at invitere beskueren til at reflektere over temaer som identitet, andethed, objektivitet og grænser.

Projektet tager udgangspunkt i det middelalderlige mappae mundi, dvs. kort med manglende geografisk nøjagtighed, men som i stedet var meget kreative med at forestille sig nye verdener. Mens de fra det moderne perspektiv opfattes som primitive, var deres mĂĽl at reprĂŚsentere principper og idĂŠer frem for at give et videnskabeligt og objektivt billede af verden. VĂŚrkerne i denne udstilling forsøger at genvinde dette omrĂĽde, som er blevet tilegnet af de hyper-prĂŚcise, satellitbaserede forestillinger af Google Maps og den slags. PĂĽ den mĂĽde er kunstvĂŚrkerne ogsĂĽ en form for kritisk refleksion pĂĽ den inverterede astronomi i det 20. og 21. ĂĽrhundrede, hvor menneskeheden for første gang i sin historie er lige sĂĽ optaget og forbløffet ved at se pĂĽ stjernerne, som de er, som ved at se pĂĽ overfladen af jorden fra det ydre rum.

Paula Kaniewska (f. 1989) er uddannet billedkunstner fra Kunstakademi i Warszawa i 2015. Siden 2017 har hun boet i Aalborg. Hun arbejder med maleri, tegning, tekstil og animation. I sine vÌrker eksplorerer hun det, som virker almindeligt og hverdagsagtigt, og forsøger at opdage dets ekstraordinÌre kvaliterer. Hun søger efter mønstrer, uventede kombinationer og elsker at lave skjulte referencer. Hendes anden kunstnerisk passion er kartografi. Hun har ogsü for nylig udstillet pü Kunstnernes Püskeudstilling i Aarhus.

Fernisering: Torsdag d. 23. maj, kl. 16-17.
Udstillingsperiode: D. 23. maj - 14. juli, 2019.
Åbningstider: Kl. 7-23 hver dag.
Facebook event.

Udstillingen er støttet af KulturKANten.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.

Paula Kaniewska, Aalsundby-Nørreborg. Foto: Kunsthal NORD.


What if the Limfjord was an Ocean? What if Aalborg and Nørresundby were continents?

It’s these kinds of questions that have inspired Paula Kaniewska's exhibition. The aim of the works is to problematize the relationship between the two administratively distinct, yet functionally inseparable cities: Aalborg and Nørresundby. Despite forming one city-organism nowadays, there remain tensions and prejudices from times, when the relationship was predominantly rivalrous. The ensuing “us and them” mentality is in the crosshairs of the artist’s works, with the Limfjord acting as the border.

By means of utopian thinking, Paula Kaniewska aims to disrupt and unearth the contingency of the mechanisms of stereotyping. To this end, multi-scalar re-imagining and re-mixing of the natural geography of the Limfjord, as well as of the material and immaterial culture of the two cities, are used to create new utopian visions of imaginary cities. In a playful manner, they invite the spectators to ponder questions about identity, otherness, objectivity, and borders.

The project takes the point of departure in medieval mappae mundi, i.e. maps that lacked in geographical accuracy, but which made up for it in creativity in imagining new worlds. While from the modern perspective they seem primitive, their aim had always been to represent principles and ideas, rather than giving a scientific and objective picture of the world. The artworks within this exhibition try to reclaim that territory, which has been appropriated by the hyper-accurate, satellite-based depictions of Google Maps and the likes. In that sense, the artworks are also a form of critical reflection on the inverted astronomy of the 20th and 21st century, when for the first time in its history, humanity is as much concerned and astonished by looking at the stars as it is by looking at the surface of the Earth from outer space.

Paula Kaniewska (b. 1989) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2015, majoring in painting and textiles. Since 2017 she is a member of Northern Jutland’s Art Studio in Aalborg, Denmark where she lives and works. Her artistic practice ranges from figurative painting capturing everyday situations to more theoretically informed pieces reflecting problems of image production and circulation. One of her fascinations is mapping. She explores relations between the objective character of maps and viewer’s subjective perception through drawing, textiles, and collage.

Opening: Thursday May 23, from 4pm-5pm.
Exhibition period: May 23 - July 14, 2019.
Opening hours: 7am-11pm every day.
Facebook event.

The exhibition is supported by KulturKANten.