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  • KRÆ syndikatet, København Halmtorvet 11B København, 1700 Denmark (map)
Clara Black Starck “Anthropocene LeftOvers.”

Clara Black Starck “Anthropocene LeftOvers.”

Pressemeddelelse, september 2018

Slim spyttes ud af en degenereret udvækst på infrastrukturen, Clara Black Starcks maskine har indtaget KRÆ. Anthropocene LeftOvers er en fortsættelse af tidligere arbejder af Starck; “The Earth The Sewer,” “LeftOvers“ og “Before and After Ice Cream and Movie”. Installationen består af en ‘udvoksning’ hvis overflade er beige, ru og klistret. Dertil; maskinen med dens kølige overflade og brummen. Den organiske gevækst er en del af Starcks karakteristiske visuelle sprog. Der peges på en ukontrollabel udvoksning der kommer fra undergrunden. Via rester fra den industrielle produktion, materiel skrald og andre efterladenskaber, viser Starck os en imaginær urban underverden.

Starck tager fat i idéen om infrastruktur som en underliggende konstruktion for det urbane liv. Som produktets produktionsmetode eller dyrkning, gemmer infrastrukturen sig under overfladen, skjult fra menneskets blik. I Starcks installationer åbner døren sig og vi ser bagved genstanden, ned under overfladen hvor strukturen uset degenererer, samtidig kravler det under overfladen ud og indtager rummet.

Clara Black Starck er uddannet fra Det Fynske Kunstakademi (DK), Goldsmiths University (UK) og Camberwell College of Art (UK). Hun bor i København og arbejder bl.a. i Peru, Colombia og USA.

Udstillingen er kurateret af Signe Vad / KRÆ syndikatet.

Udstillingen er støttet af: Statens Kunstfond og Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg.

Fernisering: Fredag d. 28. september, kl 17–21 | Facebook event
Udstillingsperiode: d. 28. september – d. 20. oktober 2018.
Åbningstider: Tors-fre: kl. 12–18, lør-søn: kl. 12–15.


Press Release, September 2018

Slime pores out of a degenerated growth on the infrastructure, KRÆ has been taken over by Clara Black Starck’s machine. Anthropocene LeftOvers is an extension of former works by Starck; “The Earth The Sewer”,LeftOvers” and “Before and After Ice Cream and Movie”. The installation consists of an ‘out growth’ whose surface is beige, rugged and sticky. In addition; the machine with its cool surface and constant hum. The organic growth is part of Starck’s distinctive visual language, the uncontrollable expansion coming from the underground. Through residues from industrial production, material garbage and other remains, Starck shows us an imaginary urban underworld.

Starck addresses the idea of infrastructure as an underlying construction for urban life. Infrastructure in its many layers. As a method of production or cultivation the infrastructure hides itself under the surface, away from the human eye. In Starck’s installations, the door opens, we look behind the object and below the surface. And conversely, the things underneath the surface crawl out and show themselves.

Clara Black Starck has graduated from the Funen Fine Art Academy (DK), Goldsmiths University (UK) and Camberwell College of Art (UK). She lives in Copenhagen but also works internationally having created work in Peru, Colombia, and the United States.

The exhibition is curated by Signe Vad / KRÆ syndikatet.

The exhibition is supported by: Danish Arts Foundation and Copenhagen City Council - Visual Arts.

Opening: Friday September 28th, from 17-21 | Facebook event
Exhibition period: September 28 – October 20 2018.
Opening hours: Thur-Fri: 12-18, Sat-Sun: 12-15.

KRÆ syndikatet
We are KRÆ. We are creatures. We are a syndicate of established and young visual artists, writers, musicians, performance artists, art historians and philosophers. While the capitalistic autocannibliism devours our nature, feasts on all living creatures and living growths; while we humans becomes a bottomless gap of insatiable needs, in a splintered world, where reflection hurts as the world is spinning in the wrong direction; we turn into disturbing creatures – we become KRÆ...